Saturday, August 3, 2013

Summer goes by too quickly.

Soon it will be over again. The common garden mums are heavy with buds and sometimes the occasional bloom. The joe pyes are tall, handsome, and blooming. The sedums are developing a flush on their buds. Dogwoods are slightly golden from afar, with a small amount of rose up close. The growing season just seems to go by so quickly.

Eutrochium Purpureum

I'm anxious to see how the muhly grass will bloom this year. It did so well during the growing months last year, but the smaller clumps I had didn't make it at all and the larger one seems to have died in the center. I'll be surprised if it makes the winter this year. It's supposed to be hardy to zone 6, but I think mine didn't fair well because of drainage issues. The land I garden on is very flat, with rich soil that holds on to moisture pretty well (but is still "well draining", for certain). This being New Jersey, the soil is also fairly acidic, which is why I think dianthus doesn't seem to want to live for me. I keep trying anyway. I can't resist the silvery foliage and pink flowers. Please, dianthus, pls.

Dianthus Gratianopolitanus "Firewitch"

I'm also doing some zone pushing on some gaura I couldn't resist. It was labeled to zone 6, but I've heard that is just a label. Gaura likes drier locations, so I fear I'll have the same problem like with the muhly. Oh well. It's worth it even as an annual. I'm thinking... containers? For next year!

Gaura Lindheimeri "Ballerina Rose"

Let's end this with a little bit of impatiens gradient.

Impatiens Walleriana in various colors 

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