Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Trip to Washington Valley Park

Washington Valley is one of the best if not the best of the Somerset County, NJ parks. It's always clean and litter free and has many different habitats and species to enjoy. It's strictly a park for hiking and woodsy things, which I prefer. It's very "untouched", in a good way mostly. Unfortunately there are also a lot of invasives, but it's hard to find anywhere without them anymore.

So charming.

Monotropa Uniflora

Centaurea spp.

My intentions were to collect wineberries (Rubus Phoenicolasius) and possibly chanterelles, which I have seen there before. I struck out on the chanterelles, but not wineberries! There are still many more that need to ripen so we'll be back. Here's what my sister and I collected in about 2 hours:


I'm thinking some sort of baked good. It will be gone in 10 minutes in this house. Back when mulberries were in season I spent a few good hours between collecting mulberries, making a pie crust, and assembling the pie. It didn't last, which I should take as a compliment. 

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